

The important thing to remember about carbs is, all carbs are not created equal. There are actually two different kinds of carbs. I like the terms, Fast carbs and Slow carbs. The difference between the two is how quickly they are converted to sugar in the body. The quicker they are converted to sugar the quicker they are likely to spike your insulin levels and switch your body into fat storing mode. Fast carbs convert to sugar quickly while Slow carbs convert much more slowly. Slow carbs tend to have lots of fiber and other nutrients that slow down their conversion to sugar. Fast carbs, because they are converted very quickly, sometimes instantaneously, into glucose in the body they have the greatest potential to spike insulin levels. Fast carbs don't have to be bad and you can still eat them. You just have to learn to eat them in the right way. Proteins, Fast carbs and Slow carbs eaten in the right combinations and proportions will actually slow down the conversion of carbs to blood sugar and keep insulin levels low, therefore switching your body into fat burning mode.

  • Examples of Fast carbs are foods like potatoes, rice, breads, pasta, sweets, and foods high in sugar and processed white flour.
  • Examples of Slow carbs are foods high in fiber like greens, beans, berries and other fibrous veggies.

What is the definition of a Carbohydrate?
Carbohydrates are compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Carbs are a chief source of energy for all body functions and muscular exertion. The body needs carbs because they are the perfect and preferred form of energy. Parts of the central nervous system rely exclusively on carbs and they efficiently burn and utilize fat and protein. Always have some carbs in your morning breakfast to get your brain functioning. That is one very important reason for kids to have a good breakfast with some carbs and protien before school. Kids who eat breakfast always do better in school. Always have a combination of carbs and protein with each meal and snacks. Carbohydrates should typically be between 50 and 70 percent of total caloric intake. Make sure you are getting enough and lots of the right kinds and remember good sources of carbs also provide dietary fiber. Higher intakes of dietary fiber are associated with lower incidence of heart disease and certain types of cancer. In addition, fiber provides many other benefits like satiety, intestinal health and regulation of the body's absorption of glucose.


Today's society is plagued by postural imbalances primarily due to sedentary lifestyles caused mostly by advancements in technology. A high percentage of people today are spending a lot of time in office related jobs, which requires them to sit for long periods of time. More than ever before flexibility training has become a key component in decreasing muscle imbalances and joint instability which in turn decreases the chances for overuse injuries. Without flexibility training, it may not be possible for you to reach your fitness goals without getting an injury. It is important to make sure your fitness trainer integrates flexibility training in your personal fitness program.

What Is Flexibility?
Flexibility is the ability to move joints and muscles through their full range of motion. As you become more flexible, you will find it easier to reach things on high shelves, to stoop or squat down, or perhaps to tie your shoes. You will also have a better sense of balance and coordination. To stay flexible, you need to stretch all of your major muscles. These include the muscles of your arms, back, hips, front and back of your thighs, and calves. Try to stretch for 10 to 12 minutes a day, after a brief warm-up. Do some stretches first thing in the morning, take a stretch break instead of a coffee break, or stretch in the office for a few minutes. Stand up from your desk and stretch your legs, chest and arms for five to ten minutes for every hour of sitting. Or participate in activities that include stretching, such as dance, martial arts, tai chi, or yoga. Yoga is my personal favorite.  Yoga increases flexibility, lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons.  Other wonderful benefits of yoga are complete flushing out of toxins and excellent muscle toning.  In fact yoga equals meditation because both work together in achieving unity of the mind, body and spirit- a state of eternal bliss.