Did you know that there is a major difference
between weight loss and fat loss? Most people don't take that in to
consideration but I am here to tell you there is a big difference.
When you are obsessed with weighing yourself on the
scale, you are solely focused on weight loss. An individual's weight
loss can fluctuate during the day, especially when you factor in
fluid retention, sodium intake, and muscle weight. The scale is an
inaccurate tool for monitoring fat loss. Two individuals can have
the same exact body weight and height, but have completely different
body compositions and body dimensions. On the other hand, two
individuals can have an equal body fat percentage, but the leaner
person will weigh more on the scale due to the higher density/weight
of lean muscle tissue.
In contrast, fat loss is about focusing your energy
and efforts toward building and maintaining lean muscle tissue.
Remember, fat loss is not about counting calories, starvation diets,
measuring food, stepping on a scale everyday, willpower, or excessive
amounts of exercise. Instead, fat loss is about building and keeping
muscle, your metabolically active tissue; choosing higher quality,
nutrient dense foods, intelligent exercise, balanced hormones, and
all of the other lifestyle aspects (sleep, stress etc.) of fat loss
that are too often overlooked.
Did you know as we age, a cause and symptom of the
aging process is Sarcopenia? Sarcopenia is simply the degeneration
and loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength associated with aging.
Sarcopenia also leads to overall weakness and a decline in metabolic
rate due to less muscle mass. With lower metabolic rate, loosing
body fat becomes more challenging. The good news is you can turn
this process around. You can gain more muscle, burn more calories and
lose unwanted body fat.
Bottom line-the more lean muscle mass you have,
the higher your metabolic rate and the longer you will live.